Clover Efi Bootloader Iso
Posted by admin- in Home -17/10/17OSx. 86 Wikipedia. OSx. 86 from the names OS X and x. OS Xoperating system on non Apple personal computers with x. The effort started soon after the June 2. Worldwide Developers Conference announcement that Apple would be moving its personal computers from Power. PC to Intel microprocessors. A computer built to run this type of OS X is also known as a Hackintosh,1 a portmanteau of the word hack and the name of Apples main model of computers, Macintosh. Hackintoshed notebook computers are also called Hackbooks. 2The Apple software license does not allow OS X to be used on a computer that is not Apple branded. 3 The legality of this form of tying is disputed by companies such as Psystar, Bizon computer, Pear. C and Mac. PC who have attempted to release products using Mac OS on non Apple machines. However, while the methods Apple uses to prevent OS X from being installed on non Apple hardware are protected from commercial circumvention in the United States by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act DMCA,4 specific changes to the law regarding the concept of jailbreaking that permitted the practice has thrown such and similar circumvention methods into a grey area when carried out by end users for personal use. 5not in citation givenHistoryeditMac OS X v. TigereditOn June 6, 2. Apple announced their plans to switch to Intel processors at their Worldwide Developers Conference and released a Developer Transition Kit to selected developers at a cost of 9. Efforts immediately began to attempt to run Mac OS X on non Apple hardware, but developers quickly found themselves with an error message saying that the PC hardware configurations were not supported. 7Apple released on January 1. Mac OS X 1. 0. 4. Intel based Macs, the i. Mac and the Mac. Book Pro. These machines used Extensible Firmware Interface EFI platform firmware instead of the older style BIOS found on most x. On February 1. 4, 2. Mac OS X v. 10. 4. Internet by a programmer with the pseudonym crg. Within hours Apple released the 1. On April 3, 2. 00. Apple released their 1. Apple computers, although this did not include the updated kernel in 1. In June, the hackers released the 1. Mac OS X update for non Apple computers using the 1. Download Clover EFI bootloader for free. Boot OS X, Windows, and Linux on Mac or PC with UEFI or BIOS firmware. If you are unable to configure correctly, have. An old expired version of the ISO can be downloaded from here. Use 7Zip on the downloaded msi file to extract the erd50. iso file. If you run the msi file on an x86. Up to the release of the 1. OSx. 86 patches used the 1. However, the newer frameworks relied on the newer kernels and this led to users of 1. Apple also started making more use of SSE3 instructions on their hardware making it even more difficult for users with CPUs supporting only SSE2 such as older Pentium 4s to get a fully compatible system running. To solve this problem, hackers from the community released kernels where those instructions were emulated with SSE2 equivalents, although this produced a performance penalty. Throughout the years, many distros were released for download over the Internet. These distros were copies of the Mac OS X installer disc modified to include additional components necessary to make the OS run on the non Apple hardware. A prominent member of the community, Ja. S, released many distros of Mac OS X Tiger containing patched kernels. Some other popular distros are i. ATKOS, Kalyway, i. PC, i. Deneb, and Niresh. Distros have fallen out of favour as the OSx. OS X Installer. Mac OS X v. Leopardedit. Mac OS X v. Lenovo laptop computer. As early as Mac OS X v. A4. 66 the community has maintained a version of Leopard that can run on non Apple hardware. A hacker by the handle of Brazil. Mac created one of the earliest patching processes which made it convenient for users to install Mac OS X onto 3rd party hardware by using a legally obtained, retail version of Apple Mac OS X. This simplification made the Brazil. Mac patch and its later revisions quickly the most popular choice for many distros. Five of the most popular builds go by the name Ja. S, Kalyway, i. ATKOS, i. PC and i. Deneb although more recently these builds are on the way out as the Boot 1. However, all of these compilations rely on the work of kernel hackers made by Lorem build 9. A4. 66, Syntheti. X builds 9. A4. 99, 9. A5. 27 and 9. A5. To. H builds 9. A5. B1. 3 and 9. B1. 8 and more recently a group calling themselves Stage. XNU now called Voodoo Darwin 9. Their contributions trickled down into the various Mac OSx. Internet. They continue to be refined and updated builds released, not just to maintain compatibility with Apple releases but an ever increasing number of third party components. The OSx. 86 community has been quick to make the necessary modifications to enable Apples latest releases to run on non Apple hardware. Within hours of Leopards release, an AMDIntel SSE23 Kernel Patcher was created which removed the HPET requirement from an original untouched machkernel file, a core component of the Mac OS. Mac OS X v. 10. 6 Snow LeopardeditWhen Snow Leopard was released, Russian hacker netkas created a version of Chameleon which can boot Mac OS X v. The main problem was that many people were forced to modify DSDT or use kexts due to some specific issues. As soon as possible modbin and dmitrik released test versions of kernel that allow to boot Snow Leopard on AMD machines. Stable XNU kernels for v. Qoopz and Pcj. There are some popular builds based on Retail by the name Universal Intel only, Hazard, and i. Atkos. Since v. 10. Nawcom, Qoopz, and Andy Vandijck have been working on Legacy kernel for unsupported CPUs. Mac OS X v. 10. 7 LioneditWhen Apple released the Developer Preview 1, a Russian Hackintosh developer usr sse. Lion. The method consists of deploying Mac OS X v. XPC UEFI Bootloader See DUET below. After some changes were made to the Chameleon source code, booting of Lion was possible with an updated version of Chameleon. After a while Dmitrik also known as Bronzovka had luck with creating a kernel which supported AMD systems After a few months 1. V2 With AMD Support and i. Atkos L2 1. 0. 7. Only Intel were released. OS X v. 10. 8 Mountain LioneditShortly after the release of Developer Preview 1, some unknown developers managed to install this version of OSX to their PC by using a modified version of the Chameleon Bootloader. This version was released via the main project starting at version r. Due to the problems sourced during the Lion era,clarification needed other ways of installing and required patches were never made public, which leaves the scene in an unknown state towards Mountain Lion. citation neededSince the retail release of Mountain Lion several users have reported successful setups using installers purchased from the Mac App Store, along with updated versions of Chameleon and other tools including distros. Nireshs Distro 1. Intel only was first released and then was updated to 1. With AMD and Intel and 1. With UEFI Support, AMD and Intel Support versions i. Atkos ML2 was released after Nireshs Release. 1. OS X v. 10. 9 MaverickseditMultiple new kernels for Hackintosh 1. Most of these kernels aim to allow users to run Mavericks on AMD and older Intel CPUs, which lack certain instruction sets of the latest Intel CPUs. Significant efforts have been made to emulate instruction sets like SSSE3, which are not present on AMD K1. CPUs, and older Intel CPUs, like the Intel Core Duo. AMDs latest CPUs, from the Bulldozer architecture onwards, contain almost all the latest instruction sets, and hence, some kernels with full SSE4 support have also been released. Tutotial instalao El Capitan direto do Windows. O OS X El Capitan o sistema operacional atual da Apple para seus computadores, ele veio com diversas melhorias que j listamos aqui em inmeros posts. Tendo um visual bem parecido com o antecessor Yosemite, o El Capitan concentra suas mudanas mais significativas no interior do sistema com presena de tecnologias que do um bom up em seu desempenho geral. El Capitan e todos os outros sistemas da Apple so desenvolvidos para computadores Apple, porem aqui no blog nos sempre ensinamos a instalar os sistemas da Apple assim que lanado, e dessa vez ser o OS X 1. Usando nossa imagem de instalao vamos mostrar os passos de como instalar o OS X El Capitan diretamente do Windows sem necessidades de ferramentas criadora de instaladores. A imagem de instalao utilizada possui apenas o sistema operacional, pois acreditamos que essa a melhor maneira de instalar o OS X limpo. Requisitos Um computados Intel no tem suporte para Intel AtomUm pendrive de 8. GBConexo com Internet. Mouse e Teclado USB alguns casos necessrio para instalao em NotebooksImagem de instalao OS X El Capitan. Um pouco de pacincia bem vinda em alguns casos. OPCIONAL Rufus Se o Suse no funcionar recomendo usar esse aplicativo, para transferir a imagem para o pendrive, ele funciona muito bem, e como muitas pessoas relatam erro ao usar o Suse, eu recomendo que baixem ele. Alguns detalhes sobre a imagem de instalao El Capitan. Como escrito no inicio do texto, a imagem de instalao limpa, contendo apenas o sistema Bootloader alguns kexts para dar suporte a instalao. Nessa imagem temos duas opes de Bootloader Clover para placa com BIOS UEFI, e Chameleon para placas com BIOS Legacy, apesar de ser esse o propsito bom salientar quer o Chameleon pode ser usado nos dois tipos de placas. Mesmo tento uma imagem preparada para instalar em PCs comuns em muitos casos necessrio que o utilizador da imagem injete algumas informaes na hora do boot para a instalao ser possvel. Grficos. Chameleon. O boot por Chameleon esta com o Graphics. Enabler ativo Graphics. EnablerYes, isso resolve a maioria dos casos de problemas em instalao relacionado a grficos, porem em alguns casos voc pode precisa deixar como Graphics. EnablerNo, em casos de grficos Intel ex Intel HD4. Intel. HD4. 60. 0 etc, em alguns casos necessrio inserir o a informao Intel. Capri. FB3 ou Intel. Azul. FB1. 0, onde o 3 e o 1. Intel presente em sua maquina, veja neste link a lista completa intel hd graphics e mais hd. Se no conseguir iniciar, faa uma busca no google com o nome da placa termo correto ex Intel HD4. Capri. FB ou intel HD4. Azul. FBClover. No caso do Clover eu no deixei a injeo grfica ativa ento isso algo que voc deve fazer em alguns casos, e algo bem simples, o Clover detecta automaticamente o modelo de placa de vdeo que voc possui, ento ele sempre exibe uma pagina de configurao especifica para sua placa exe Nvidia, Intel e AMD, veja como isso pode ser feito No menu do Clover percorra as entradas at a entrada Opes click e veja que nessa etapa pode ser feitos ajustes e adicionado flags ao boot, porem vamos nos deter na opo Graphics Injector Menu entre nela e veja essa tela Se fosse Nvidia a opo seria Inject. Nvidia, e assim por diante, e s deixar ela ativa para placas Nvidia e AMD, porem para placas Intel necessrio mais um detalhe em alguns casos, necessrio adicionar em Fake. ID o IGPlatform. ID, voc precisa saber qual sua Intel HD Grapahics possui e para saber basta acessar esse link ativando graficos intel com clover efi. Exemplo de como vai ficar Fake. ID 0x. 01. 66. 00. Pessoal estou colocando os links porque se for por todo o contedo deles o tutorial vai ficar muito grande e cheio de informaes que nem todos precisam. Gravar a imagem no Pendrive. Gravar a imagem no pendrive bem simples, use o programa que vem junto da pasta no Download, se o programa falhar pode ser usado o Transmac, Bootdisk. Utility, Win. 32 Disk Imager, enfim opes no faltam. Windows. Linux. Configurando a BIOSPara alguns computadores com BIOS UEFI necessrios desativar algumas opes para que o pendrive possa ser enxergado na hora do boot Desativar Lauch CSMDesativar Fast Boot. Ativar Modo AHCITambm deve ser modificado a opo de UEFI para Sistema Operacional, como se v na imagem abaixo. Estas so as principais mudana que voc precisa fazer na BIOS, a ausncia de uma ou mais opes das listadas acima na BIOS no desesperador e nem marca o fim da iniciativa Hackintosh, provavelmente o OS X ainda pode ser instalado em seu computador. Instalando o Sistema El Capitan. A instalao se processa como as demais, depois de escolhido o idioma o processo basicamente o mesmo O Utilitrio de disco esta redesenhado, visual mais atraente nele devemos formatar a partio que vamos instalar o OS X, ou formatar todo o HD. Sempre em Mac OSX Expandido Cronologicamente, mapa de partio GUID GPT. Para informaes de Dual Boot leia esse post antes Dual Boot UEFIAgora feche o Utilitrio de Discos e selecione a partioHD e faa a instalao. Pos Instalao. Pos instalao sempre polmico, pois cada um tem um tipo de hardware e no tem como eu me aprofundar, ai fica uma impresso de algo raso e alguns at reclamam, porem infelizmente no posso detalhar essas coisas para todas as configuraes possveis, porem nessa imagem eu tomei cuidado de incluir algumas kexts que so essenciais para o computador poder conectar a internet e assim poder dar sequencia a configurao internet para hardwares compatveis. AHCIPort. Injector. Apple. ACPIPS2. Nub. Apple. Intel. E1. Atheros. E2. 20. 0Ethernet. Disabler. kext. Fake. SMC. kext. Generic. USBXHCI. kext. IOAHCIBlock. Storage. Injector. Realtek. RTL8. 11. Voodoo. PS2. Controller. Voodoo. PS2. Keyboard. Voodoo. PS2. Mouse. Voodoo. PS2. Trackpad. Estas kexts esto disponveis na partio UEFIEFIKexts1. Para o boot veemente recomendado utilizar o Clover EFI, apesar de estar usando o Chameleon na imagem de instalao ele ainda no resolveu bem a kexts de segurana de integridade dos sistema Apple. Clover EFI Download. Um detalhe importante sobre o Clover que ele pode ser instalado em BIOS Legacy e UEFI, ento preciso que voc saiba o que tem em mos, para que o sistema funcione bem. Em ambos os casos Legacy ou UEFI recomendo instalar o Bootloader na pasta EFI, quando o Clover for instalado ela estar disponvel para colocar as kexts necessrias na pasta correspondente EFIEFIKexts1. Ajustando o udio. Os demais itens podem ser discutidos em nosso frum de discusso, e isso eu procurei atender a maioria das duvidas, porem me concentrei em questes de vdeo pois creio que essa seja o principal problema na hora da instalao.