Eplan Viewer Software

Posted by admin- in Home -29/10/17

Dear All, does anyone have this application or software Can you share with us. Thanks,. Civil and Survey Solutions. At Civil Survey Solutions we believe in providing the best products and services to the industry. As well as supporting the Autodesk. Using the Citizen Access Portal This section illustrates how to access the features of the Citizen Access Portal. Steps to Accessing the Citizen Access Portal. Vlogatott CAD linkek, ajnlk, lersok CAD tmban minden Megbzhat, ellenrztt tartalom profi szerkesztktl Neked Carlson Software 2014 Read All About It Carlson 2014 is here The 100s of new features are designed to deliver on our customer feature requests. Model Viewer Standalone provides offline viewing of models you create using the Model Viewer tools in Civil Site Design, CSD Siteworks or Stringer Topo. Surveyors information package Land and Property Information. This information will help surveyors electronically lodge plans at Land and Property Information LPI. What are my responsibilities as the lodging party As the party lodging the plan and all associated instrumentsdocuments you will be the sole point of contact between LPI and your client or legal representative. All correspondence and requisitions will be forwarded to you. The following should be noted The paper Signature Administration sheet, signed by you, must accompany a copy of the plan when sent to the clientsolicitor. The solicitorclient will arrange for the collection of other signatures and return of the completed documents to you for lodgment in LPI. Checklists You will need to complete the lodging party checklist as well as the surveyors checklist. Payment of fees You will receive a tax invoice online. You are responsible for payment of LPI lodgment fees. You will need to come to an agreement with your clients about payment. In the event of non payment or consistent late payment of fees your access to the e. Plan system may be terminated. There are 2 options for payment of fees Paying by credit card online when lodging the plan, or. Paying on account in which case you have 7 days to pay. All requisitions will be sent to you. You will need to pass the legal requisitions to the solicitor and ensure compliance within the two month period. If a 2. 8 day notice of rejection is issued, you will need to follow up on outstanding requisitions. The notice of registration will issue to you. It is your responsibility to promptly inform clients and legal representatives of registration. What do I need to lodge my plan electronically through e. Plan You will need the following a Pentium class computeran A4 scannerinternet access and an email address. TIFF conversion software for your CAD system see How do I prepare my plan and other documents for lodgmentfile compression software eg WINZIP anda userid and password to the LPI Online portal. IPCam Player is the quick way to watch IP Cameras. Setup yourself your personal manager. It is a nice, simple, easy and quick software. It is a program. All documents lodged with a plan must be lodged in TIF format, except for the certificate of title, old system deeds, office copies of court orders, letters of consent and statutory declarations that will continue to be lodged manually by hand or post either prior to lodgment of the plan or before registration. Typically a lodgment could include The plan file. The signatures administration sheet. Section 8. 8B instrument. Development contractmanagement statement. Developer By laws. Surveyor and Lodging Party Checklists. Survey report. To be approved for lodgment of plans for registration you must first have your file formatting and quality approved by lodging test data. The signatures administration sheet. The administration sheet is an approved form that contains all of the administrative data, signatures, seals, approvals and certifications for a plan. Eplan Viewer Software' title='Eplan Viewer Software' />An administration sheet must be used for all plans whether lodged manually or electronically, from 1 September 2. No signatures are to appear on the original plan. The administration sheet, should accompany a copys of the plan when forwarded for subdivision approval. The Authorised PersonAccredited Certifier should sign the completed Subdivision Certificate on the administration sheet. The Authorised PersonAccredited Certifier should also sign a copy of each plan drawing sheet. This copy is not lodged but is retained by the surveyor. The signature may appear anywhere on the front of the copy of the plan drawing sheets. If insufficient space is available for signatures or other data a maximum of 4 additional annexure sheets, in the approved form, can be used. Each sheet of the form should be fully utilised before adding additional sheets. Each sheet must be numbered sequentially, separately from the plan, as sheet. The person approved to lodge electronically approved person must convert the original signed administration sheets to an electronic image by scanning to the required specifications. The plan, administration sheetss and other required document images are lodged electronically using the e. Plan Internet facility. The approved person must retain the administration sheets, and any other document bearing original signatures, for 7 years following registration of the plan from the 1 June 2. There are different approved forms for signatures administration sheets for deposited plans and strata plans. All approved forms are available under Plan forms pages. Why restrict the document file format to TIFF TIFF is a general document exchange format and the format used since 1. LPIs Document and Integrated Imaging Management System DIIMS. TIF images created to LPI specifications are generally of a smaller file size than other formats such as PDF. By adopting TIFF, surveyors are able to complete their plan in the software package of their choice and then create the TIFF image. A TIFF image creates a snap shot of the plan and other documents and maintains full integrity of the data when viewed in various imaging packages. Other formats such as DXF, DWG or DGN can lose integrity to varying degrees when viewed in different CAD packages. The method accepted is the creation of TIFF images using third party software in the form of raster printer drivers. One successfully trialled by LPI is the Peernet Raster Image Printer available from www. Windows application into serialized or multi page TIFF images. The product has produced images suitable for all plan and document types in the final form. Auto. CAD users should ensure that pen assignments are allocated to the plot style table to enable correct line thickness to be created in the image. A similar product available to those using DOS CAD packages is View. Companion available from www. This product is an HPGL viewer which converts to TIFF and a number of other formats, however, the user is required to first create an HPGL file from their CAD package. Documents bearing signatures, such as section 8. B instruments or the signatures administration sheet, are scanned into a TIF format using a standard office A4 scanner to freeze the data. Surveyors acquiring a scanner for this purpose should ensure that any bundled software supplied with the scanner enables an image to be captured to LPI specifications. For LPI TIFF image specifications see Image Standards for electronic plan lodgmentPDF 5. KB. Why do I need a userid and password In order to maintain a secure lodgment site only an approved person will be permitted to lodge plans electronically. An approved person can be a New South Wales registered surveyor or a nominated representative of a surveyors company, or an authorised representative of a government agency. You will not be able to use the e. Plan service until you have applied for and received your userid and password. How do I get a userid and passwordAccess to e. Plan is through the LPI Online portal. To gain access to the e. Plan electronic plan lodgment facility you must be an approved person and must apply for and be issued with a userid and password. Download the. Instructions and application form PDF 1. KB.  What is a company lodgerA company lodger is an approved person authorised to lodge plans on behalf of a companysurveying firm. This person must be issued with a userid and password from lands and have lodged test data that satisfies all standards and requirements of LPI. A company lodger can be a Surveyor. Easy Ways To Stop Smoking Allen Carr Pdf here. Office administrator. Field technician.