Mikroc Uart Interrupt Example
Posted by admin- in Home -18/10/17Introduction Up to now there is a loot of IDE Compiler and Debugger for the Cortex Mx, in this page there is a little list of the principal IDE that are used for. MikroC PRO for ARM is a fullfeatured C compiler for ARM CortexM0, M0, M3, M4, and M7 microcontrollers. The feature rich environment you can experience today. PIC 18F I2C IIC Example I dont know why, but I spent ages looking for simple working I2CIIC code something like this and couldnt find anything. SDSDHC Card Interfacing with ATmega. FAT3. 2 implementation. Here is my project on interfacing of SD Card micro. SD. micro. SD cards are available very cheap nowadays, a great option for having a huge memory in any embedded system project. It is compatible with SPI bus, so the interfacing is easy. SD card adapters are also easily available in market, one can easily make a bread board adapter by soldering few pins on it. Following figures show the SD card pin out the bread board adapter design by soldering 7 pins of a breakout header on the micro. Using UART of PIC Microcontroller with MPLAB XC8 compiler. Here USART module of PIC Microcontroller is configured as UART Asynchronous Full Duplex Mode. The Win32 example located in the FreeRTOS. UART drivers. The interrupt vector used. Norbert Moch, Hannover, PIC Mikrocontroller, C, C18, MCC18, PIC18F45K20, C Code, Assembler, mcrochip, LCD, PWM, Links. Microcontroller PIC Projects are categorized on the basis of microcontroller applications. Microchip pic microcontrollers belongs to modern family of MCUs. SD adapter Click on images for larger view. I had started this project with 1. GB micro. SD card from San. Disk later on tested with transcend cards also. The microcontroller is AVR ATmega. ATmega. 32 running at 8. Mhz internal clock. Mikroc Uart Interrupt Example' title='Mikroc Uart Interrupt Example' />MAX2. PC for monitoring the data. A 3. 3v supply is used for powering the mega. SD and max. 23. 2 though the specified supply for max. SD are used here, shown in the figure of pin out. MIPS_PIC32_MIPS32_M4K_blockdiagram.jpg' alt='Mikroc Uart Interrupt Example' title='Mikroc Uart Interrupt Example' />Schematic for ATmega. May 2. 01. 0, SD series resistors are removed, as they were limiting the speed of SPI bus. CMDDAT lines. This gives better stability with different cards. Also, two 3. 6v zeners are added to protect SD in case when the ISP programmer voltage levels are of 5v. Note VCC GND pins of MAX2. Following is the schematic for ATmega. RTC updated on 1. May 2. 01. 0 Following is the schematic for ATmega. RTC added on 1. 7 May 2. CS pin correction, PB4 instead of PB1, done in Mar 2. Here two supply voltages are used, 3. SD 5v for remaining ICs. The aim of this project was to learn interfacing of SD card and to understand the data transfer in raw format as well as in FAT3. I started with raw data transfer, sending some data to any block of the micro. SD, reading a block of it, reading and writing multiple blocks, erasing multiple blocks. All this in raw format. I used RS2. 32 for viewing the data read by microcontroller from SD card. EFLgQQnuk.jpg' alt='Mikroc Uart Interrupt Example' title='Mikroc Uart Interrupt Example' />The uc sends the data to Hyper. Terminal. Similarly, to write data to card, the data was fed thru Hyper. Terminal, by typing some text. Once raw data transfer achieved, I formatted the card with windows. XP FAT3. 2 and loaded it with some text files, directories and other files all stored in root directory of the card. After that I wrote the FAT3. Hyper. Terminal again, finding the totalfree memory of card. All this data is sent to Hyper. Terminal by the uc. Following is the Hyper. Terminal window showing different options Options 0 to 4 are low level functions dealing with raw data. If you use option 0, 1 or 3, you may have to reformat the card before using the FAT3. Erases selected number of blocks strating from selected block. Writes data to specified SD block address. Data to be entered in Hyper. Terminal using PC keyboard. Readss data of specified SD block address. Data is displayed on Hyper. Terminal window. 3. Writes selected number of blocks strating from selected block. Reads selected number of blocks strating from selected block. Here, the multiple block functions related to options 3 4 are disabled due to memory constraint as that time mega. FAT3. 2 testing. While testing with mega. FATTESTINGONLY defined in SDroutines. Options 5 to 9 are related to FAT3. Only short file names are supported right now, 8byte name3bytes extension. If you store a long name file in SD, it will be displayed by these routines in short name format only. For testing these options, format the card with FAT3. Hyper. Terminal. Displays list of available directories and files with size in the root directory of the card6 Reads a specified file and displays the file contents on Hyper. Terminal. 7 CreateAppend file with specified name, enter text from Hyper. Terminal. 8 Deletes any existing file with specified name. Displays total free memory of the card using FSinfo sector of the SD cardFollowing figures show the Hyper. Terminal window when options 5 9 are selected These figures show menu from Ver. Menu style is changed from Ver2. Note Hyper. Terminal is used here at 1. No parity, Flow Control none. This project needs very few components and can be done easily at home. Try it out Download the source code files from here Download here the zipped source code files modified for mega. AVR AVRStudio. Version 2. RTC added for DateTime entries1. May 2. 01. 02. 4 Apr 2. Version 2. 3 SDHC support added 0. May 2. 01. 0Version 2. No SDHC support1. Sep 2. 00. 9Download EAGLE schematic file of Ver 2. Downloadview source code files V2. ATmega. 8 Following files are compiled using win. AVR inside AVRStudio. This Version does not support SDHC cards. Also, append file feature is not available. SDmain. c. 2. SDroutines. SDroutines. h. 3. FAT3. 2. c FAT3. Ver 2. Sep 0. 94. SPIroutines. SPIroutines. h. 5. UARTroutines. c UARTroutines. Makefile. 7. HEX fileVer 2. Sep 0. 9Please put up a comment or mail me if you find a bug in the code. The updates are because of valuable suggestions comments from the users of this code. Thanks a lot Buy from Farnell Element. ATmega. 32 India, ATmega. USARelated posts You can visit my post of micro. SD ATmega. 32 Data Logger, which uses modified FAT3. If you want to test FAT3. SD FAT3. 2 using Visual CUpdate History Version 2. Real Time Clock circuit support is added for time date entries in the files. Now the current date of file creation and file update will be entered in the FAT table can be viewed by checking file properties using a PCThe RTC will also be useful in data logging with time stamp Three more options added in the Hyper Terminal menu for displaying or updating RTC date time. New menu is shown in the above figure. Ver 2. 4. 1 Same as 2. RTC twiinit function added to define I2. C clock freq. 1. 00. K 1. 6MHz 5. 0k8. MHz. This was taking default values earlier, which was as high as 5. K8. MHz, not desirableNote Version 2. ATmega. 32, but they can be adopted to any controller having RAM 1. KB and Flash 1. KBCurrent memory usage Ver2. Flash 1. 29. 08 Bytes RAM 7. Bytes appx. Version 2. Support for SDHC cards added tested with San. Disk Transcend micro. SD and micro. SDHC cards. The initialization sequence and command formats are modified. A bug which was causing the program flow to go into infinite loop if the character number 5. CR Carriage Return, r, in the write. File function. Thanks to David Piotr M. Code is also tested successfully at 1. MHz clock 8. MHz SPI clock with for SDSDHC cards. Follwing are the Hyper Terminal windows showing card detection One window shows baudrate as 3. MHz internal clock of Mega. Version 2. 2 Append file feature added. File function replaced with write. File, which looks for the filename first, if the given file name doesnt exist then it creates new file and writes data, but if the file already exists, then it opens it and appends the entered data. A bug removed which was giving error related to use of LONG The FAT3. Sep 0. 9to remove a bug which was limiting file size to 3. MB Thanks to Kun Szabo Marton who pointed it outData transfer rate 1 raw data block 5. KBytess at current 4 MHz SPI clock rate. If you have flash more than 8k, you can declare the SPIreceive and SPItransmit functions as inline functions. This will increase the transfer rate to 1. Using UART of PIC Microcontroller with MPLAB XC8. UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. It is a very popular serial communication interface which provides Full Duplex communication between two devices. UART uses two data lines for sending TX and receiving RX data. GroundReference of both devices should be made common. As the name indicates it is an asynchronous communication interface, which means that it doesnt need to send CLOCK along with data as in synchronous communications. UART is the communication interface used by our old computers RS 2. Some of the Microchips PIC Microcontroller has built in USART Module. USART stands for Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter and it can be configured in following modes. UART Asynchronous Full DuplexUSRT Master Synchronous Half DuplexUSRT Slave Synchronous Half DuplexIn this tutorial we will learn how to use UART Mode of USART Module using MPLAB XC8 Compiler. For demonstration we are using PIC 1. F8. 77. A microcontroller. PIC 1. 6F8. 77. A USART Module. USART Registers. TXSTA Transmit Status and Control Register. TXSTA Transmit Status and Control Register. Bit 0 TX9. D This is the 9th bit of data in the 9 bit transmission mode which is commonly used as a Parity Bit. Bit 1 TRMT This is the Transmit Shift Register TSR status bit. This can be used to check whether the data written to transmit register is transmitted or not. When the TRS is empty this bit is set and when the TSR is full this bit will be 0. Bit 2 BRGH This is the High Baud Rate Select bit for Asynchronous mode operation and is unused in Synchronous mode. Setting this bit selects High Speed and clearing this bit selects Low Speed baud rates. You will can see the baud rate calculation later in this article. Bit 3 Unimplemented This bit is unimplemented and will read as 0. Bit 4 SYNC This is the USART Mode select bit. Game Asphalt 5 For Pc there. Setting this bit selects Synchronous mode while clearing this bit selects Asynchronous mode. Bit 5 TXEN Setting this bit enables the transmission. In the synchronous mode operation CREN and SREN bits of RCSTA register overrides this bit. Bit 6 TX9 When this bit is set it enables the 9 bit transmission otherwise 8 bit transmission is used. Bit 7 CSRC Clock Source Select Bit, this bit has no application in the Asynchronous mode operation of USART module. It is used to select master or slave mode in Synchronous mode operation. RCSTA Receive Status and Control Register. RCSTA Receive Status and Control Register. Bit 0 RX9. D This is the 9th bit of Received Data and is commonly used as Parity Bit. Bit 1 OERR Overrun Error bit. A high at this bit indicates that Overrun error has occured. Bit 2 FERR Framing Error bit. Framing Error while 0 stands for No Framing Error. Bit 3 ADDEN Address Detect Enable bit. This bit is applicable only in Asynchronous 9 bit mode. Setting this bit enables Address Detect. Bit 4 CREN Continuous Receive Enable bit. Setting this bit will enable Continuous Receive. In the Synchronous Mode CREN overrides SREN. Bit 5 SREN Single Receive Enable bit. This bit has no effect on Asynchronous mode and Synchronous Slave mode. Setting this bit will enables Single Receive. This bit will cleared after the reception is complete. Bit 6 RX9 Setting this bit enables 9 bit reception otherwise it will be in 8 bit reception mode. Bit 7 SPEN Serial Port Enable bit. Setting this bit enables serial port and configures RC7, RC6 as serial port pins. USART Baud Rate Generator BRGBaud Rate Generator provides the required clock for the data transmission and reception. USART module has a dedicated 8 bit baud rate generator which supports both Synchronous and Asynchronous modes. The 8 bit SPBRG register controls the time period of this free running timer. In Asynchronous mode BRGH, 2nd bit of TXSTA register also controls the generated baud rate but in Synchronous mode it is ignored. Baud Rate can be calculated from the following equations, where FOSC is the clock frequency of the microcontroller. PIC USART Baud Rate Formula. MPLAB XC8 Programming. Burger Personality Pdf To Jpg. Initializing UARTchar UARTInitconst long int baudrate. XTALFREQ baudrate6. SPBRG for Low Baud Rate. If High Baud Rage Required. XTALFREQ baudrate. SPBRG for High Baud Rate. BRGH 1 Setting High Baud Rate. SPBRG x Writing SPBRG Register. SYNC 0 Setting Asynchronous Mode, ie UART. SPEN 1 Enables Serial Port. TRISC7 1 As Prescribed in Datasheet. TRISC6 1 As Prescribed in Datasheet. CREN 1 Enables Continuous Reception. TXEN 1 Enables Transmission. Returns 1 to indicate Successful Completion. Returns 0 to indicate UART initialization failed. Note 6th and 7th bit of TRISC registers are set as prescribed in the datasheet. Sending Data Through UARTWriting a Charactervoid UARTWritechar data. TRMT. TXREG data. Checking Transmit Registerchar UARTTXEmpty. Writing Textvoid UARTWriteTextchar ext. UARTWritetexti. The following function can be used to write a string or array of characters to UART. It is accomplished by continuous use of character writing function UARTWrite. Receiving Data Through UARTData Received or Not. The following function can be used to check whether the data is ready to read from the Receive Register. It uses the flag bit RCIF which will be set when the data reception is completed. UARTDataReady. Reading a Character. The following function wait till the reception is complete and reads 8 bit data from the Receive Register. UARTRead. while RCIF. RCREG. Reading Text. The following function can be used to read a desired length of text or sequence of characters continuously. UARTReadTextchar utput, unsigned int length. Outputi UARTRead. For simplifying the program readability we put all the above functions to a header file uart. Thus you just need to include this header file and use required functions. For demonstrating the working of these functions we are using the following example. PIC to PIC Communication using UARTIn this example we are controlling LEDs connected to a PIC using Switches connected to another PIC Microcontroller. For the sake of explanation call these microcontrollers Slave and Master respectively. In the circuit diagram given below a DIP 8 Switch is connected to PORTB of the Master Microcontroller which is configured as Input Port. When a Switch is turned ON, the corresponding pin will be Grounded LOW. Data Read from the PORTB of Master Microcontroller is send to Slave Microcontroller using UART interface. The Slave Microcontroller writes the received data to its PORTB which is configured as Output. Thus LEDs connected to Slave Microcontroller will Glow depending upon the status of the DIP Switch connected to the Master Microcontroller. Circuit Diagram. Note 1 TX of Master Microcontroller is connected to RX of Slave Microcontroller and RX of Master Microcontroller is connected to the TX of Slave Microcontroller. Note 2 Instead of using PULL UP or PULL DOWN resistors along with switch, we are using INTERNAL PULL UP of PORTB which is enabled in the program. MPLAB XC8 Codes. Master Codedefine XTALFREQ 8. BEGIN CONFIG. pragma config FOSC HS. WDTE OFF. pragma config PWRTE OFF. BOREN ON. pragma config LVP OFF. CPD OFF. pragma config WRT OFF. CP OFF. TRISB 0x. FF PORTB as Input.